Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh, Frabjous Joy, I Am a Grandfather!

Our very first ever in the whole wide world grandchild - our granddaughter, Loey Lucille - was born at 9:54 this morning, 30 October 2011. Ah, what a glorious feeling! Everyone is doing well, excellently, and Loey Lucille is clearly thriving from the get-go. Her father, my son, Chris, has posted the first three photos of what is sure to be a deluge of multimedia recording of Loey's life at his Facebook page.

But I have to post a photo here as well, so we can all celebrate this beautiful new life right here, right now, no hyperlinking required! And now (a week later), I am happy to announce that you can visit:

Loey Lucille on Flickr

for lots and lots of photos.

Here she is, in all her chubby, puffed-up glory:

Welcome, little Loey!


Jeffrey Kemp said...


As if you didn't have enough reasons already, here's another reason for you to avoid travel away from home :)

Steven Feuerstein said...

You are sooooo right. And I have four trips now planned through January. Argh. Well, she will probably survive without me if I am not away for more than a week at a time. But I hope she will miss me.

Noons said...

Gorgeous little one!
Congratulations, a new baby is always a time full of joy!

Unknown said...

Congrats Steven...enjoy ur new responsibility

Eddie Awad said...

Oh, what a joy! So cute. Congratulations!

Erik van Roon said...

Congratulations, old man ;-)

So, while one Feuerstein is slowly disappearing from 'the grid' and another is rapidly becoming an Apex Guru, a new one is already on her way to IT fame.
In a couple of years we will probably be learning best-practises in apex from your son.
Maybe the community, in a couple of decades, will be learning best practises in the latest OraGoogApple 3D-Holographic UniverseNet based TUI (Telepathy-based User Interface) from your granddaughter? Obviously in the stardustcloud.

Anyway, wishing you and your family lots and lots of joy and happiness with the latest and greatest Feuerstein.
It's a bit of a tragedy that your Father just missed this (would she have been his first great-grandchild?). Unfortunately, such is life.

Dikkie Dick said...

Steven, congratulation. Will this result in a new picture on the plsqlchallenge-site? Before PLSQL, after PLSQL and now one: PLSQL-granddad? ;-)
Greetings, Dick

Sohilkumar Bhavsar said...

Many Many Congratulations Steven.


Sohil Bhavsar

Sineetha said...

So sweet!!

Pavan Sharma said...

Very very congratulations Pl/SQL Guru to Our Pl/SQL Guru to be a Grand Father . May God this baby will bring a lot of happiness and good luck to my PL/SQL Guru...!

ora said...

Congrats !!! A new friendly soul for you...

iudith said...

Hello Steven,

So, the great day is here and no notification on the PL/SQL Challenge page ? How could you ?

Lots of hearty congratulations to all the happy families and lots
of luck, luck and again luck
to the little jewel Loey, may God
help her to be grown up in a better world, enjoy her life in full health and bring lots of happy days to you all !

I am sure you will be a wonderful grandfather, as good as the guru you are for all of us :) :)

Cheers and long live to all !
Best Regards,
Iudith Mentzel

David said...

So cute!! Congratulations! I have 2 daughters and it seems like it's never enough :)

Donald R. (P.) Cavin said...

Congrats..but i feel old, I first read your post as daughter, not course this is my 20th year using Oracle which for me is hard to believe...thanks for continuing to help folks like me with PL/SQL...

Don Cavin
Oracle 8i OCP (yeah, I know it's old, but I worked hard to get it)

Jan Bom Trap said...
