Sunday, August 11, 2013

Finally breaking free of my dryer!

I have been a habitual user of our dryer for years. Out of the washer, into the dryer! Winter, spring, summer, fall....what's wrong with this picture?

Well, do I really need "natural" gas to dry my clothing?

Picked up a drying rack at Costco last week and put it to work today:

And that makes me feel good. Especially because I am generating lots of really dirty clothes. Have started clearing invasive buckthorn from the Northpark Nature Preserve  for about three hours a day, and I hope to do that at least four times a week. Hard, sweaty work - and I love it!

Because this is how I am seeing the world right now:

When you want to be absolutely sure you are doing good, fight back against an invasive species.

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